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日期:2018年07月18日 16:52 点击:

项目负责人   徐迎春   项目类别       英文教材引进



 自本项目立项后,首先对本人正在访学的美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)农业与生命科学学院(College of Agriculture and Life Science) 综合植物学部( School of Integrative Plant Science)园艺学科(Horticulture Section)开设的课程信息进行了网站上查阅和搜集, 同时还咨询了园艺系的华人教授,初步了解了康奈尔大学园艺学科本科生课程的设置情况,并查找了园艺栽培生产相关的教材。同时也从加州大学戴维斯分校(UCDAVIS)网站上搜集了该校园艺专业及其开设的课程的相关信息。

   康奈尔大学目前没有单独开设园艺(Horticulture)专业,园艺学只是作为植物科学(plant science)专业的一个方向,同时也作为副修专业(minor)供本科生辅修。除了plant science专业以外的学生都可以辅修园艺专业。辅修园艺(Minor in Horticulture)的学生需完成15个学分(credit)的课程,包括2门必修课(7个学分):一门是4学分的《Horticulture Science and System》(园艺科学与系统)(该门课带实验课,其中2学分为理论课,2学分为实验课;该课程我去听过课,主要介绍具有经济价值的园艺植物的种类及其生产情况,有时会请不同的教授讲解各自研究领域的专题,如我的导师Neil Mattson就讲过温室园艺植物的生产原理与技术,实验课就是带学生参观了康奈尔的温室),另一门课为3学分的《The Nature of Plant》(植物的本质);还要选修8个学分的2000  level以上的园艺学科的课程。另外还设有植物艺术方向的园艺辅修专业(Minor in Horticulture with a Focus in the Botanical Arts),与前述的园艺辅修专业相同,需要学习7学分的2门必修课,另外还要加上8个学分的下述课程:园艺艺术(The Art of Horticulture)、 植物插图的强化学习(Intensive Study in Botanical Illustration)和单独的创造性的毕业设计(Individual Study for a creative capstone project that integrates the student’s learnings and offers the chance to produce original work)。 该辅修专业类似于我校的园林专业。康奈尔大学园艺学科开设有风景园林建设(Landscape Architecture)本科专业。另外,康奈尔食品科学系开设有葡萄栽培和生态(Viticulture and Enology)专业,也会有园艺学科的教授开设的课供该专业的学生选用。


•      Horticultural Science and Systems (必修课)

•      Hands-On Horticulture for Gardeners

•      Introduction to Wines and Vines (crosslisted)

•      Discover the Art and Science of Cultivating Lawns, Gardens and Landscapes

•      The Nature of Plants (必修课)

•      Organic Vegetable Gardening

•      The Art of Plant Anatomy

•      The Art of Horticulture



       •      Coffee, Cloves, and Chocolate: Plant Explorers and Thieves

•      Principles and Practices of Growing Grapes and Making Wines (crosslisted)

•      Growing Grapes and Making Wines Laboratory (crosslisted)

•      Urban Ecosystems

•      Food, Fiber, and Fulfillment,Plants and Human Well-Being

•      Exploring the Small Farm Dream

•      Annual and Perennial Plant Identification and Use

•      Arboriculture: Applied Tree Care  (crosslisted)

•      Production and Marketing of Greenhouse Crops

•      Experiential Garden-Based Learning in Belize (crosslisted)

•      Intensive Study in Botanical Illustration

•      Viticulture and Vineyard Management (crosslisted)

•      Permaculture Design Certification

•      Principles of Vegetable Production

•      Postharvest Biology of Horticultural Crops Lab

•       Restoration Ecology

•      Berry Crops: Culture and Management

•      Ecological Orchard Management

•      Principles of Nutrition and Nutrient Management in Crops and Landscape Plants

•       Ecology of Agricultural Systems

•       Climate Change and the Future of Food

•       Woody Plant Identification and Use I

•      Woody Plant Identification and Use II

•      Principles of Plant Propagation

•      Horticultural Crop Improvement

•      Postharvest Biology of Horticultural Crops

•      Plantations Lecture Series

•      Public Garden Management

•       Creating the Urban Eden: Woody Plant Selection, Design, and Landscape Establishment (crosslisted)

•      Creating the Urban Eden: Woody Plant Selection, Design, and Landscape Establishment (crosslisted)

•      Grassing the Urban Eden

•      Advanced Analytical Methods for Plant Systems

•      Root and Rhizosphere Ecology

•      Advanced Postharvest Biology: Postharvest Physiology

•      Advanced Postharvest Biology: Plant Senescence

•      Advanced Postharvest Biology: Postharvest Technology



    加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis) 农业与环境科学学院(College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences)植物科学系(Department of Plant Scinece)设有环境园艺与都市林业(Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry)本科专业,分两个专门方向:一是花卉园艺/苗圃(Floriculture/Nursery Option),另一个是植物生物分类/生物修复(Plant Biodiversity/Restoration Option),其中有一些园艺学科的课程;同时还设有环境园艺学(Environmental Horticulture)专业的副修专业。   另外还设有植物科学(Plant Science) 专业,该专业分为2个专门的领域(Areas of Specialization),其中一个为作物生产方向(Crop Production Option),该方向开设有园艺生产方面的课程。

   环境园艺与都市林业(Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry)专业主要开设的园艺相关课程有:(共12门课)

•      Introduction to Environmental Horticulture/Urban Forestry

•      Environmental Horticulture

•      Introduction to Environmental Plants

•      Urban Forestry

•      Trees of the Urban Forest

•      Physiological Principles in Environmental Horticulture

•      Taxonomy and Ecology of Environmental Plant Families

•      Management of Container Media

•      Greenhouse and Nursery Crop Production

•      Analysis of Horticultural Problems

•      Turfgrass and Amenity Grassland Utilization and Management

•      Woody Plants in the Landscape: Growth, Ecology and Management

    植物科学(Plant Science) 专业的作物生产方向(Crop Production Option)开设的园艺生产方面的课程有:(共21门课)

•      Botany and Physiology of Cultivated Plants

•      Plants for Garden, Orchard and Landscape

•      Flower Power—Art and Science of Flowers and Their Uses

•      Fruits and Nuts of California and the World

•      Organic Crop Production Practices

•      Crop Management Systems for Vegetable Production

•      Biological Applications in Fruit Tree Management

•      Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology

•      Plant, Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture

•      Urban Ecology

•      Biological Applications in Fruit Production

•      Trees and Forests

•      Fruit and Nut Cropping Systems

•      Principles and Practices of Plant Propagation

•      Postharvest Physiology and Technology

•      Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Postharvest Biology





       •      Microbiology and Safety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

•      Biology and Management of Aquatic Plants

•      Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops

•      Postharvest Biology and Biotechnology of Fruits and Nuts

•      Postharvest Physiology of Vegetables




